  • Un nouveau produit en ligne, la pochette Cœur de Sniffeur !


Collaborations professionnelles


  • We work with you with an attractive tool.
  • For a new dimension of olfactory events based on the sense of smell, differently explored, in an intimate, emotional and entertaining spirit.
  • We offer customizable experiences with possibilities that are only limited by your imagination.
  • Le P'tit Sniff is ready for any kind of creativity: customised scents are welcome! Our perfumers love the challenge as much as we do!

Perfume Brands

A very unique experience 

Whether it's for an exceptional perfume or for our range of scents, le P'tit Sniff, is an olfactory specialist at the cutting edge of olfactory restitution...
The consumer is in control of his or her olfactory experience through an intuitive and interactive tool that is set as an entertainment . 
An intimate cocoon-like experience that allows the consumer to be at the heart of intimate sensations, even in a large space.
All the components are there for retail innovators: 

Attractiveness through a new experience

Comfort and respect for the atmosphere

Discovery of raw materials

Savings on testers

Clean and simplicity of use

Diptyque & Le Ptit Sniff
Paco Rabanne
Paco Rabanne
Mugler - Angel
Le sourceur
Le sourceur

Art et Culture

 Discovery and memorization

The P'tit Sniff is the ideal tool for a sensory group activity for enriching the visit of an exhibition with sensations at the most profound level and a long-lasting memorisation.
An interactive sensory experience with a work of art by introducing the olfactory dimension interacting with the emotions created by the scents
In combination with the other senses, the Ptit sniff participates and facilitates discovery, memorization, language and imagination for the youngest. 

Maison du Cerf
Maison du Cerf
Le flacon
Le flacon en majesté
MUSEE GIRODET 61247538_1354338238049765_7642549430243033088_n
Musée Girodet - Montargis
Musée de l'Homme - Paris
Sans titre
Musée de la parfumerie - Grasse
Cité des sciences et industrie
Capture d’écran 2023-08-17 à 17.20.28
Château de Gombervaux
Fondation lactel
Les Jardins de Trianon
Jardin des plantes
Jardin des plantes
Escape game
Escape Game
Museum national d'histoire naturelle
musee marly séduction et pouvoir
Musée du Domaine royal de Marly
Ecole Interne de Formation de la Maison Möet et Chandon
Musée de la faïence et de la céramique à Malicorne
Musée d'orsay
Musée d'Orsay
Capture d’écran 2024-01-15 à 11.27.31
Ville de Fougères

 Olfactive therapy

Reeducation and stimulation

Olfaction disorders are involved in many consultations - olfactory re-education is so far the only treatment that has proven its efficiency, particularly for people with anosmia after COVID-19

Le P'tit Sniff facilitates the work of therapists and particularly speech therapists for Olfactory education allowing to elaborate exercises/games/situations to be practiced with the patients in order to stimulate the limbic system (emotional centre of our brain)

With real everyday smells, close to reality, the quality reproduction of the odorants combined with the air blown by the diffuser helps to restore a proper breathing and supports the therapist's work on both food and verbal orality, as well as the patient's attention capacity.

atelier jules ferry
Jules Ferry Kindergarden School - Clamart
Olfactory Workshops
Consultation le p'tit sniff
Olfactory Therapy - Catherine Thibault
Ellipse Montessori Academy

An idea ? a project? Please contact us!
Racontez nous vos projets avec le P’tit Sniff et nous les réaliserons avec vous.